Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Happy Birthday today: Ms. Marcel
Today’s Events: Boys’ & Girls’ Track & Field @ IVC HS, 2 pm
Bus 11:00 am, dismiss 10:50 am
Varsity Baseball @ Mt Zion HS, 4:30 pm
Bus 2:30 pm, dismiss 2:20 pm
Softball @ Pontiac HS, 4:30 pm
Bus 2:10 pm, dismiss 2:00 pm
Activity Period: Wednesday- Pep Club; Thursday- Student Council
Tryouts for the Unity Rockettes Dance Team will be held today through Friday May 6th at the High School gym. We invite anyone and everyone interested to try out! Come try out to be a part of this amazing program! Clinic will be held Wednesday, May 4th. This is when you will learn a routine, practice and learn skills. Tryouts will be held Friday, May 6th. Please contact Coach Mancuso with any questions!
Attention Seniors: This is a reminder for those of you interested in trying out to give the senior commencement speech that your drafts are due to Ms. Snodgrass via email by 8AM this Tuesday, May 3. Please check your email on Tuesday for more information.
Seniors: College Declaration Day is Friday, May 6th. Please wear your t-shirt/ sweatshirt / apparel for the school you plan to attend next year. If you are going to the military, please wear a shirt to represent your chosen branch. If you are going into the work force, please wear a shirt to represent where you plan to work. We would love to see you all showing off your future plans on your last day of high school!