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Daily Bulletin


Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Happy Birthday today: Nat Nosler, Emily Anderlik


Today’s Events: Softball @ Tri Valley HS, 4:30 pm

                            Bus 2:45 pm, dismiss 2:35 pm


                            JV Baseball @ Salt Fork HS, 4:30 om

                            Bus 2:55 pm, dismiss 2:45 pm


Activity Period: Wednesday- Pep Club; Thursday- Student Council


The Parkland Pathways program is accepting applications through April 5th.  The pathway program is a dual-enrollment program and students will apply to be admitted at both Parkland and the University of Illinois.  Please see your counselor with any questions. 

Remember PROM is this weekend. Seniors, your invitation is not a ticket. You must have a ticket to enter. See Mrs. Leaman or Mrs. Lindenmeyer as soon as possible to purchase and pick up your tickets. Tickets are free for seniors and $40 for juniors and all guests.  Given that Prom will be held in downtown Champaign, please make sure to keep your doors locked, windows rolled up, and purses/wallets hidden from plain sight when at Prom.


Seniors, Mr Stringer and Mrs Kuetemeyer are now taking sign ups and deposits for the senior trip.  The first 52 to sign up and pay the deposit are guaranteed a spot, everyone else will be put on a waiting list for a second bus.  Check your Google classroom for more details about the trip.

Make sure to wear your Student Council Week shirt tomorrow!  If you haven’t picked it up yet, do so in the office TODAY!! If they are not picked up by the end of the day, then they will be offered to anyone that wants to buy one after school.