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Daily Bulletin


Monday, February 28, 2022


Happy Birthday today:


Today’s Events:


Activity Period: Tuesday- FCA; Wednesday- Junior Class & Pep Club                                                                   



Parkland College will be visiting Unity on Tuesday, March 22nd-note the date change. Juniors and Seniors interested in meeting with this representative should sign up in the Guidance Office. Seniors planning to attend Parkland in the fall of 2022 should definitely sign up.


Come experience bass fishing at the tournament level with other high schools and have a chance to go to the sectionals and state championships. First meeting has been changed to Thursday, March 3rd at 6:30 pm. Please come to the office to sign up and get the location.


There are still a few State Wrestling shirts in small, medium and large in the office.  The cost is $10.


Attention Juniors: If you are interested in planning Prom for this year, there will be a meeting this Wednesday, March 2nd in Room 17, Mrs. Lindenmeyer's room during activity period. 


Next week, we will once again be celebrating Student Council Week!  As has always been the practice, all proceeds from the week will be given away to assist others. The first $500 raised during the week will be matched with an equal amount from the Bob Aimone Scholarship Fund to create a $1000 scholarship for a graduating senior.  An additional $1000 will be put aside to purchase food for the Thanksgiving Food Drive.  The remainder of the money raised will be donated to Prevent Child Abuse America, local families in need, and to use for various service projects throughout the year.  No matter how small and insignificant our acts of caring and kindness may seem, each of us can make a difference in someone’s life by sharing our blessings with them.  One dime, one dollar, one individual at a time, we will strive to be the best we can be, and help as much as possible.


There will be lots of ways to help raise money for great causes next week, including buying chain links for your class, buying treats at lunch all next week, getting your classes together to donate items for the Great Auction, and saving up your money and buying some great things at the Auction on Thursday!


As a part of Student Council Week, we will be hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, March 8.  If you are 16 or older and are able to donate, see or email Mrs. Meyer for information!  There is a big need for blood donations right now, so help make a difference!


Dress up days for next week will be Pajama Day Monday, Dress Like a Teacher Tuesday, Adam Sandler Day Wednesday, StuCo Week Tshirt Thursday, and Neon Day Friday!  Join in the fun and help make it a great week!