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Daily Bulletin


Thursday, February 24, 2022


Happy Birthday today: Michael McFarland

                       Friday: Mary Bryant, Brennan Harris

                  Saturday: Grant Albaugh, Carli Keller, Braxton Manuel,

                                  Zoey Sorenson, Jamee Evans, Ashley Rennels

                       Sunday: Max Beatty


Today’s Events: Boys’ Varsity Basketball Regionals, Rocket Center, 6 pm


Activity Period: Tuesday- FCA                                                   



Parkland College will be visiting Unity on Thursday, March 10th. Juniors and Seniors interested in meeting with this representative should sign up in the Guidance Office. Seniors planning to attend Parkland in the fall of 2022 should definitely sign up.


The Music Boosters are hosting their annual fundraiser here at the High School. "All Out A Cappella" will feature several collegiate a cappella groups as well as our very own Surreal Sound. There will be two shows this Saturday, February 26tth at 4pm and 7pm. Sign up to volunteer in Mr. Krafcisin's room and be sure to come to the show and tell your family.


Come experience bass fishing at the tournament level with other high schools and have a chance to go to the sectionals and state championships. First meeting is Monday February 28 at 6:30 pm. Please come to the office to sign up and get the location.


Anyone would like a State Wrestling shirt, please come to the office. Shirts are 1st come, 1st serve and cost $10.


Attention Juniors: If you are interested in planning Prom for this year, there will be a meeting Wednesday, March 2nd in Room 17, Mrs. Lindenmeyer's room during activity period.  

Student drivers: please make sure your vehicle has been registered with the office and that you park BETWEEN 2 yellow lines, not ON yellow lines.