Daily Bulletin
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Happy Birthday today: Abbi Pieczynski, Jacob Mullins, Jordan Daugherty
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Thursday- Student Council; Friday- Science Olympiad
The Math Team is still recruiting members. The meet is on February 26th, with practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please see Ms. Hartlein for more information.
The Champaign County Sheriff’s Office is starting its’ Explorer program. Anyone interested can pick up an application from Officer Franzen.
Yearbook is looking for photographers for the Boys’ Game on Friday. Please see Mrs. Graves ASAP if you can take them!!!
Are you interested in really doing Science that is interesting to you? Then come check out the Science Olympiad Team! There will be an informational meeting in Mrs. Anderson's room (Room 12) Friday morning at 8:00am. If you cannot attend please see Mrs. Anderson for more details!
Just a reminder students: Unity High School’s Annual Honor Roll breakfast will be held this Friday morning. All students on the first semester Honor Roll are invited to attend. You should have received an invitation in the mail. We look forward to seeing you there!
Unity High School is now accepting members for The Chess Club. Sign-up sheets are in the office.