Daily Bulletin
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Happy Birthday today: Piper Steele, Jordan Whittington
Today’s Events:
Activity Period: Friday-FFA Chapter meeting
Ever need a snack or an emergency stick of deodorant? The Rocket Locker has exactly what you need! Any student can stop by between classes or before/after school to get things like: snacks, clothing, or hygiene items. This is a no-questions asked system, so any students who find themselves in need of food, clothing, or supplies may take what they need when they need it.
Sophomores please check Google Classroom and sign up to help with concessions this Saturday! We need lots of help and have plenty of spots open.
Have you lost something lately? Did you know we have a lost and found? If you have lost clothing, check in the cafeteria under the microwaves. If it is something smaller, like jewelry, headphones, or small electronics, please check the office.
Don't forget we only have 1 day left to collect for the Thanksgiving Food fundraiser for needy families in Unit 7. The First Hour class who raises the most money will win a breakfast! Clean out your car consoles and bring in your quarters, dimes, nickels, pennies, and even bills!
Veterans Day is today, November 11th and what better way to honor them than making donations based on their needs. Throughout the month of November, the high school and several other local businesses will hold boxes to collect donations for veterans at the Danville VA. The list is shared on the box at the drop off locations or you can find a list here under "donation suggestions": Danville VA Donations.
A few of the drop off locations are at Unity East, Unity High School, post offices, Dollar General's, banks, and library's. Pick-up will be December 3rd. If you have any questions please reach out to Erika Hiser (217) 621-3475 or Jonathon Webb (217) 502-7867