Daily Bulletin
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Happy Birthday Today: Mr. Graham
Today’s Events: Freshmen Football vs St Joseph-Ogden HS, Hicks Field, 6 pm
Volleyball @ Tuscola HS, 6 pm
Activity Period: Tuesday-FCCLA
U-Crew shirts and passes are available for purchase. You can buy them before school & during your lunch hour in the canteen. They are $15 and there’s a limited quantity, so get yours fast! Let’s have a great year Unity Rockets!
The Illinois Regional College Fair will be held at Parkland College Donald Dodds Jr. Athletic Center on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 from 6-8 p.m. Many in-state and out-of-state colleges and universities will be in attendance to talk about their schools.
Millikin University will be here for a college visit on Wednesday, September 6th during 2nd hour.
Please sign up in the Guidance Department to be included in this visit.
Interested in being part of the annual Fall play? This year the drama club will be performing A Midsummer's Night Dream, originally written by Shakespeare, but we're doing a funnier more modern version. We need actors, stage crew, make-up artists and more. If you want to participate please stop by Ms. Marcel's room to sign up for drama club. You can also sign-up for play auditions this Thursday and Friday 3-5. You need to audition with a partner and Ms. Marcel will provide you with a script when you sign-up. If you have any questions, then please see Ms. Marcel room #69.
Anyone interested in traveling to Greece this summer or Australia in 2026, please see Mrs. Bonnell or Ms. Tibbs. There will be a meeting at 6:30 in the cafeteria on September 20th.
Attention freshmen: If you are interested in joining Student Council this year, you can pick up the petition from the office. Completed petitions must be turned in by Tuesday, September 5 by 3 PM.
Juniors: anyone who would like to order a t-shirt for homecoming, please see Mr. Heist. The cost is $15.
The theme for tomorrow’s football game is USA! Dress in your red, white, & blue outfits!
Our 1st Pep Club meeting is next Wednesday, September 6th at 8 am. All are welcome to join us for a year of fun. Be sure to join the best club in the school!